Cairn Terrier *
AKC Breed Video
Order #B-CRN101 VT $24.95
Cairn Terrier, The
Benyon, Fisher & Wilson
rev. by Doreen Proudlock
Revised and updated edition of a popular
book covers history, breeding, feeding,
general management, showing, judging,
and minor illnesses.
212 pp. / photos / 7th/1988
Order #B-CRN901 $34.95
Cairn Terrier, The-History, Training Selection,
Care and Breeding
Christine Carter
This authoritative and thoroughly useful guide
provides expert, first-hand advice about
selection, maintenance, breeding, grooming,
and showing this increasingly popular terrier.
224 pp. / 300 color photos / TFH-1995
Order #CAICC
Reg. $47.95 4M Price $39.95
Cairn Terrier *
Champions 1952-1986
Order #CAIC52 SC $36.95
Cairn Terriers #
Erliss McCormack
Order #CAIKW $9.95
New Cairn Terrier **
Betty E. Marcum
256 pp./ photos/HWL-1995
Order #B-CRN401 $27.95
Out-of-Print, In Stock
All About the Cairn Terrier
John Gordon
1988 / UK
Order #CAIAA $32.95
New Complete Cairn Terrier, The
John T. Marvin
Covers history and development of the breed,
analysis of the standard, breeding and grading,
raising puppies, training, conditioning, showing,
prominent breeders, and lists conformation
champions and obedience winners.
256 pp. / 150 b/w illus.
Order #B-CRN402 $25.95
Rags-The Story of a Dog Who Went to War
Jack Rohan
Order #CAINRAG $24.95